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Case Study - Optimising Farm Operations with the Right Water Solutions
Case Study- Tutukaka Iplex Polyflow™
Sustainability - Return to Gate Recycling Project
Case Study - New Iplex Rainwater Spouting Systems
The 5S Society, Golden Shovel
Sustainability - Sanctuary Mahi Whenua Garden
Case Study - Niue Runway Upgrade, Niue
Iplex Brand Hits the Road
Sustainability - Iplex Cleans Up Microplastics
Innovation - Mobile Onsite Extrusion
Case Study - Northern Interceptor, Auckland
Case Study - Hamnak Pipeline, Otago
Case Study - Seismic Experiences, New Zealand
Sustainability - Milk Bottles to Pipes
Innovation - Iplex Restrain
All Products
Adjustable Extended Pan Bend, F/Fin, 100mm with bracket
Adjustable Pan Bend, F/Fin, 100mm
Adjustable Q Pan Bend, F/Fin, 100mm with bracket
Adjustable Universal Pan Bend, F/Fin, 100mm with bracket
Combination Air Valve, M
Combination S & P Waste Trap 32mm x 40mm
Combination S & P Waste Trap 32mm x 40mm, w/nipple
DWV Pipe Support Clip
DWV Side Hanger Key Clip
DWV Stand-off Key Clip
DWV Standard Key Clip
Flexible Pan Connector Rubber Ring & Solvent Cement Joint , 80mm
Iplex Alkathene LDPE Pressure Pipe
Iplex Apollo Blue PN12.5 PVC-O Pressure Pipe Imperial Pipe Series 2 Rubber Ring Joint
Iplex Apollo Blue PN16 PVC-O Pressure Pipe Imperial Pipe Series 2 Rubber Ring Joint
Iplex Apollo PN10 PVC-O Pressure Pipe Metric Pipe Series 1 Rubber Ring Joint
Iplex Apollo PN12.5 PVC-O Pressure Pipe Metric Pipe Series 1 Rubber Ring Joint
Iplex Apollo PN6.3* PVC-O Pressure Pipe Metric Pipe Series 1 Rubber Ring Joint
Iplex Apollo PVC-O Pressure Fittings RRJ - Plain 22° Elbow F&F
Iplex Apollo PVC-O Pressure Fittings RRJ - Plain 45° Elbow F&F
Iplex Apollo PVC-O Pressure Fittings RRJ - Plain Coupler F&F
Iplex Apollo PVC-O Pressure Fittings RRJ - Reducing Socket F&F
Iplex Apollo PVC-O Pressure Fittings RRJ - Slip / Repair Coupler F&F
Iplex Aquacell Stormwater System
Iplex Blackline HP PN 20 & PN 25 Ductile Iron (DI) Fittings
Iplex Blackline HP PN20 & PN25 PE100 Pressure Pipe
Iplex Blackline PN16 PE100 Pressure Pipe
Iplex Blue Rhino PN12 PVC-M Pressure Pipe Imperial CIOD Series 2 Rubber Ring Joint
Iplex Blue Rhino PN16 PVC-M Pressure Pipe Imperial CIOD Series 2 Rubber Ring Joint
Iplex Blueline PE80 Pressure Pipe Light Blue PN12.5
Iplex Copper Pipe Clipit Complete With Nail
Iplex Downpipe™
Iplex DWV Holderbat Pipe Support Clip (Aluminium)
Iplex DWV Overflow Relief Cap
Iplex Effluent™ PE100 Pipe
Iplex Effluent™ PVC-U Pipe
Iplex Farmline PE100 Pressure Pipe
Iplex Farmtrac GPS Mapping
Iplex Farmtuff PVC-U Culvert Pipe
Iplex Greenline PE100 Pressure Pipe
Iplex Nexus Culvert Twin Wall Smooth Bore Heavy Duty PE Culvert Pipe
Iplex Nexus Hi-Way Road Drainage Pipe Twin Wall Smooth Bore Heavy Duty PE - punched
Iplex Nexus Hi-Way Twin Wall Smooth Bore Heavy Duty PE (Punched - with Filter Sock)
Iplex Nexus or Novaflo End Cap
Iplex Nexus Pipe Coupler F & F
Iplex Nexuscoil Twin Wall Smooth Bore PE Land Drainage Pipe - unpunched
Iplex Nexusflo Land Drainage Pipe Twin Wall Smooth Bore PE (Punched with Filter Sock)
Iplex Nexusflo Twin Wall Smooth Bore PE Land Drainage Pipe - punched
Iplex Novacoil Single Wall Corrugated Bore HDPE Duct – unpunched
Iplex Novadrain Copper to PVC Adaptor Seal Ring
Iplex Novadrain Pop Out Grate (Domed) 100mm
Iplex Novadrain PP Pop-Out Grate Flat
Iplex Novadrain Push-On Dust Cap
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Access Bend Rubber Ring Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Access Bend Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Access Cap & Base Solvent Cement Socket One End x Thread
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Access Junction Rubber Ring Joint F&F&F (LH)
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Access Junction Rubber Ring Joint F&F&F (RH)
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Adjustable Bend Rubber Ring Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Adjustable Bend Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Adjustable Gully Trap - F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Bolted Trap Screw Solvent Cement Joint (Socket) F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Bolted Trap Screw Solvent Cement Joint (Spigot) M
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Boss Junction Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Boss Junction Solvent Cement Joint M&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Ceramic to PVC Adaptor M&F Solvent Cement Socket to Spigot
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Combination Loose/Slip Coupling Rubber Ring Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Copper to PVC Adaptor F&F (Rubber Ring & Solvent Cement Joint)
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U DN150 Loose Coupling Rubber Ring Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Double Junction Solvent Cement Joint F&F&F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U DWV Pipe (32mm-80mm nominal sizes) - SOE & PE
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Expansion Coupling F&F, Solvent Cement & Rubber Ring
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Female Iron Coupling F&F (BSP Thread to Solvent Cement Socket)
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Finishing Collar 100mm Solvent Cement Joint One End
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Flexible Pan Collar Rubber Ring and Solvent Cement Joint
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Floor Flange Solvent Cement Joint
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Fresh Air Inlet 100mm Rubber Ring Joint F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Gully Dish 100mm Plain Spigot
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Gully Dish Riser Solvent Cement Joint
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Gully Trap Rubber Ring Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Inspection Bend Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Inspection Junction Solvent Cement Joint F&F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Inspection Pipe Rubber Ring Joint M&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Inspection Pipe Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Inspection Pipe Solvent Cement Joint M&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Level Invert Taper Rubber Ring Joint M&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Level Invert Taper Solvent Cement Joint F&M
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Male Iron Coupling M&F (Male BSP Thread to Solvent Cement Socket)
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Pipe Reducer Solvent Cement Joint Socket "inside spigot"
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Plain Bend Rubber Ring Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Plain Bend Rubber Ring Joint M&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Plain Bend Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Plain Bend Solvent Cement Joint M&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Plain Junction Rubber Ring Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Plain Junction Rubber Ring Joint M&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Push On Cap Solvent Cement Joint
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Ramp Bend Rubber Ring Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Rear Access Bend Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Rear Access Junction Solvent Cement Joint F&F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Reducing Junction Rubber Ring Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Reducing Junction Rubber Ring Joint M&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Reducing Junction Solvent Cement Joint F&F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Reflux Valve Solvent Cement Joint
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Repair Coupling Rubber Ring Joint Circumferential Gasket
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Reverse Level Invert Taper Rubber Ring Joint F&M
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Safe Waste Tray Solvent Cement Joint
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Side Access Junction Solvent Cement Joint F&F&F (LH)
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Side Access Junction Solvent Cement Joint F&F&F (RH)
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Slab Repair Coupling 100mm Solvent Cement Joint F&M, Spigot into Pipe
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Slip Coupling Rubber Ring Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Socket Reducer Solvent Cement Joint, Socket "inside spigot"
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Squat Floor Waste Gully Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Straight Coupling Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Strap On Boss Solvent Cement Joint Female Branch
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Threaded Access Cap and 150mm Access Lid
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Vent Cowl Solvent Cement Joint
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Vermin Stopper Solvent Cement F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U Weather Apron Solvent Cement Joint
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U, Ceramic Socket to PVC Adapter Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novadrain PVC-U, PVC to Ceramic Adapter Rubber Ring Joint F&M
Iplex Novadrain Reducing Bend M&F
Iplex Novadrain SN10 PVC-U DWV Pipe - RRJ
Iplex Novadrain SN16 PVC-U DWV Pipe - RRJ
Iplex Novadrain SN4 PVC-U DWV Pipe - SOE & RRJ
Iplex Novadrain SN6 PVC-U Pipe DWV - SOE & RRJ
Iplex Novadrain SN8 PVC-U Pipe DWV - RRJ
Iplex Novaflo Land Drainage Pipe Single Wall Corrugated Bore PE (Punched with Filter Sock)
Iplex Novaflo Pipe Coupler 65mm F & F
Iplex Novaflo Single Wall Corrugated Bore PE Land Drainage Pipe - punched
Iplex Novakey Metal Backing Ring (for 826 Flange)
Iplex Novakey PN12 PVC-U Pressure Pipe Series 1
Iplex Novakey PN15 PVC-U Pressure Pipe Series 1
Iplex Novakey PN6 PVC-U Pressure Pipe Series 1
Iplex Novakey PN9 PVC-U Pressure Pipe Series 1
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Faucet 90° deg Tee Solvent Cement x BSP Branch, F&F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Faucet 90° Elbow Solvent Cement x Female BSP F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Faucet Coupling Solvent Cement x BSP Joint F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Full Face Flange Solvent Cement Joint F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Neoprene Gasket For Full Face Flange 825
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Neoprene Gasket For Stub Flange 826
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Pipe Clip
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Plain 45° Elbow Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Plain 90° Elbow Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Plain 90° Reducing Tee Solvent Cement Joint F&F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Plain 90°Tee Solvent Cement Joint F&F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Plain Coupler Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Plain End Cap Solvent Cement Joint F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Reducing Bush Solvent Cement Joint M&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Reducing Socket Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Rubber Ring Joint Compression Coupling (PN12) F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Socket Union Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Stub Flange Solvent Cement Joint F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Threaded Bush BSP x BSP thread M&F
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Threaded End Plug BSP M
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Valve Socket Solvent Cement x Male BSP Joint FxM
Iplex Novakey PVC-U Pressure Valve Spigot Solvent Cement x Male BSP thread M&M
Iplex Novatube Horticultural Lateral Pipe
Iplex PE Flexible Communications Duct (Black / White Multistripe)
Iplex PE Flexible Communications Duct (Colour RAL 3015 - Light Pink)
Iplex PE Flexible Communications Duct (Red)
Iplex PE Flexible Communications Duct (Salmon)
Iplex PE Flexible Communications Duct - Chorus Branded
Iplex PE Flexible Communications Duct - Non Chorus Branded
Iplex PE Flexible Communications Duct - Non-Chorus Branded (SDR17)
Iplex PE Flexible Communications Duct - Spark Branded (Colour: RAL4010 Magenta)
Iplex PE Flexible Communications Duct - Vodafone/Telstraclear Branded
Iplex PE Flexible Electrical Cable Duct SDR17 - Drum Coil
Iplex PE Flexible Electrical Duct - Free Standing Coils
Iplex PE Flexible Electrical Duct - Free Standing Coils
Iplex PE Flexible Electrical Duct - Straight Lengths
Iplex Poligas PE80 Gas Pipe - Straight Lengths
Iplex Poligas™ PE80 Gas Pipe - Imperial (Nominal ID) Dimension - Drum Coil
Iplex Poligas™ PE80 Gas Pipe - Imperial (Nominal ID) Dimension: Free Standing Coil
Iplex Poligas™ PE80 Gas Pipe - Metric (OD) Dimension - Free Standing Coil
Iplex Poliplex PE100 CX Blue Pressure Pipe SDR 13.6 PN12.5 - 100m Coils
Iplex Poliplex PE100 Pressure Pipe
Iplex Poliplex PE100 Pressure Pipe - Pressure Sewer and Waste Water Applications
Iplex Polybutylene Clipit Complete With Nail
Iplex Polyflow™
Iplex PVC-U Communication Duct Repair Sleeve - Chorus Branded
Iplex PVC-U Communication Fitting - Reducing Saddle (Chorus Branded)
Iplex PVC-U Communication Fittings - Dust Cap (Chorus Branded)
Iplex PVC-U Communication Fittings - Coupler (Chorus Branded)
Iplex PVC-U Communications Bend (F&F)
Iplex PVC-U Communications Bends - Chorus Branded
Iplex PVC-U Electrical Cable Duct Bends
Iplex PVC-U Rainwater System - Downpipe Clip
Iplex PVC-U Rainwater System - Downpipe Socket Solvent Cement Joint M&F
Iplex PVC-U Rainwater Systems - Downpipe Junction Solvent Cement Joint - M&F Mainway - F Branch
Iplex PVC-U Rainwater Systems - Downpipe Socket Bend Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex PVC-U Rigid Communications Duct (Non-Chorus Branded)
Iplex PVC-U Rigid Communications Duct (Non-Chorus Branded) Red
Iplex PVC-U Rigid Communications Duct (Salmon or Salmon Pink)
Iplex PVC-U Rigid Communications Duct (Vodafone/Telstraclear Branded)
Iplex PVC-U Rigid Communications Duct - Chorus Branded
Iplex PVC-U Rigid Electrical Duct
Iplex Rainwater System - Downpipe Adaptor
Iplex Rainwater Systems - Gutter Pop Solvent Cement Joint M
Iplex Redline PE100 Pressure Pipe
Iplex Restrain PVC-U Gravity Sewer Pipe for Trenchless Installation SN16
Iplex Rubber Sealing Ring for metric Series 1 Z Joint Iplex Novakey & Iplex White Rhino PVC pipe
Iplex Rural Black PE100 Pressure Pipe
Iplex Rural Black Polyethylene RISER PIPE
Iplex Square™
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Adaptor Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Inspection Pipe Solvent Cement Joint M&F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Kerb Outlet Solvent Cement Joint F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Pipe Clip
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Push On Cap Solvent Cement Joint F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Reducing Junction Solvent Cement Joint F&F&F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Repair Coupling Clam shell over Pipe
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Screw Cap and Base Solvent Cement Joint F plus threaded joint
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Slip Repair Coupling Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Socket Reducer Solvent Cement Joint M&F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Stormwater Plain Junction Solvent Cement Joint F&F&F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Stormwater Grate Solvent Cement Joint M&F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Stormwater Plain Bend Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Stormwater Plain Bend Solvent Cement Joint M&F
Iplex Stormfit PVC-U Straight Coupling Solvent Cement Joint F&F
Iplex Superstorm PVC-U Stormwater Pipe Solvent Cement or Rubber Ring Joint
Iplex Uni-trap Adapta Kit
Iplex Uni-trap Waste Traps Combination S & P Trap (includes Adapta Kit)
Iplex Uni-trap Waste Traps Plain P Trap
Iplex Uni-trap Waste Traps Plain S Trap
Iplex Volta PVC-U Rigid Electrical Conduit Heavy Duty - Above Ground
Iplex Volta PVC-U Rigid Electrical Conduit Heavy Duty - Below Ground
Iplex White Rhino PN12 PVC-M Pressure Metric Pipe Series 1 RRJ & SCJ
Iplex White Rhino PN15 PVC-M Pressure Metric Pipe Series 1 RRJ & SCJ
Iplex White Rhino PN6 PVC-M Pressure Metric Pipe Series 1 RRJ & SCJ
Iplex White Rhino PN9 PVC-M Pressure Metric Pipe Series 1 RRJ & SCJ
IRRIPOD PIPE Low Density Polyethylene Pasture Irrigation Pipe
Medlube Pipe Jointing Lubricant
Novakey PVC Jointing Cleaner Primer
Novakey PVC Solvent Cement - Non Pressure Applications
Novakey PVC Solvent Cement - Pressure Applications
Novalube Pipe Jointing Lubricant
Plasson Angle Seat Valve (8 Bar)
Plasson Ball Valve F&F
Plasson Ball Valve, with Drain Port, F&F
Plasson Chamfering Tool
Plasson Check Valve Insert
Plasson Compression 90° Elbow F&F
Plasson Compression 90° Female Threaded Elbow F&F
Plasson Compression 90° Male Threaded Elbow M&F
Plasson Compression 90° Tee F&F&F
Plasson Compression Barrel Union Threaded Male Adaptor M&M
Plasson Compression Centre Connection Meter Manifold
Plasson Compression Coupling F&F
Plasson Compression End Plug F
Plasson Compression Female Threaded Branch Saddle & Plassaddle F
Plasson Compression Female Threaded Tee F&F&F
Plasson Compression Male Threaded Adaptor M&F
Plasson Compression Modular Adaptor
Plasson Compression Plug Adaptor M
Plasson Compression Reducing Coupling F&F
Plasson Compression Reducing Set
Plasson Compression Reducing Tee 90º F&F&F
Plasson Compression Shouldered Adaptor M&F
Plasson Compression Slip Coupling F&F
Plasson Compression Slip Tee 90º F&F&F
Plasson Compression Stopcock 16 Bar
Plasson Compression Tapper Swivel Tee & Plassaddle Tapper for PE Pipe F
Plasson Compression Tapper Swivel Tee & Plassaddle Tapper for Series 2 PVC Pipe F
Plasson Compression Universal Coupling F&F
Plasson Compression Wingback Female Adaptor F&F
Plasson Female Threaded Adaptor F&F
Plasson Female Threaded Valve (10 Bar)
Plasson Insert
Plasson Quick Coupling Valve (10 Bar) (Used with Plasson 2713 Riser Key)
Plasson Riser Key (Used with Plasson 2712 Quick Coupling Valve)
Plasson Series 1 90° Elbow
Plasson Series 1 90° Female Threaded Elbow F&F
Plasson Series 1 90° Male Threaded Elbow M&F
Plasson Series 1 Coupling F&F
Plasson Series 1 End Plug F
Plasson Series 1 Female BSP Threaded Adaptor
Plasson Series 1 Female Threaded Tee
Plasson Series 1 Female Wingback Adaptor F&F
Plasson Series 1 Male Threaded Adaptor M&F
Plasson Series 1 Reducing Coupler F&F
Plasson Series 1 Reducing Tee
Plasson Series 1 Universal Coupling F&F
Plasson Series 1 Universal Slip Repair Coupling F&F
Plasson Series 1 Wrench
Plasson Threaded Elbow
Plasson Threaded Nipple (16 Bar)
Plasson Threaded Plug (16 Bar)
Plasson Threaded Reducing Bush
Plasson Threaded Reducing Nipple (16 Bar)
Plasson Threaded Socket
Plasson Threaded Tee
Polyethylene Valve Boxes
Short Telescopic Waste Trap 32mm x 40mm, S & P
Telescopic Combination Vented Waste Trap , 32mm x 40mm , S&P, w/nipple
Telescopic P Waste Trap 32mm x 40mm
Telescopic Plug Trap , 32mm & 40mm, S & P
Telescopic Pop Up Waste Trap, 32mm & 40mm
Telescopic S & P Waste Trap 32mm x 40mm, w/nipple
Telescopic Vented Plug Trap 32mm & 40mm, S & P
Telescopic Vented Popup Waste Trap 32mm & 40mm , S & P
Telescopic Waste Trap, 32 mm x 40mm, P, w/nipple
Vented Telescopic Waste Trap 32mm x 40mm, S & P
Waste Connector with Dishwasher inlets, 40mm, M & F
Waste Trap 32mm x 40mm , short P inlet
Waste Trap Adaptor, 32mm x 40mm , M & F
Waste Trap Adaptor, 40mm x 40mm , M & F
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Iplex Product Catalogue June 2024
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